Recover Lost Revenue with Cart Abandonment Emails

More than 70% of customers abandon their online shopping carts before completing a purchase, that’s over $4 trillion in lost sales. That’s a lot of money left on the table!

In this final installation of our ecommerce email marketing series, we’ll show you how to create a cart abandonment email campaign that can help you recapture a portion of that revenue.


Take advantage of cart abandonment emails’ high open rates

Consumers open 44% of cart abandonment emails vs. 16.5% for ecommerce marketing emails. And, cart abandonment emails have a 28.7% CTR and 5% conversion rate. That’s huge! Use this to your advantage by including an enticing offer / call to action to get the customer back to their cart!

Make your cart abandonment email’s subject line compelling

Don’t take that high average open rate for granted, you still need a great subject line to get your customers’ attention. 33% of email recipients open emails based on subject line alone! Take time to write copy that is clever, personal and engaging. Use a free online headline analyzer like this one from Co.Schedule to test your copy, and run A/B tests until you find the right cart abandonment subject line for your customers.

Remind shoppers what’s in their shopping cart

We’ve all been there – you find an item that is just made for you,, add it to your cart and are about click “checkout” when you get pulled away from the computer. 75% of shoppers who have abandoned shopping carts say they plan to return to the retailer’s website or store to make a purchase, so an email reminding them what’s waiting for them is all it takes to get a customer to complete their purchase.

Offer an incentive to seal the deal

Price and unexpectedly high shipping costs are two of the top reasons shoppers abandon their carts before completing their purchase. Offering customers who are on the fence a 15% discount or free shipping code can be the push they need to get them back on track.

You can do this!

Even if you reclaim a small percentage of the revenue in your shoppers’ abandoned carts, it could have a big impact on your bottom line!

If you’re ready to level-up your ecommerce marketing and need help creating a cart abandonment campaign that converts, or with any other digital marketing, please email me at or call my cell directly at 440-463-3871. Missed the rest of the ecommerce email marketing series? I’d be happy to send you parts 1, 2, 3 and 4!

2018-09-10T14:31:20+00:00June 9th, 2018|Comments Off on Recover Lost Revenue with Cart Abandonment Emails

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