About Leslie Carruthers

Leslie Carruthers is President of The Search Guru, a search engine marketing (SEM), search engine optimization (SEO) and content marketing agency serving medium and large businesses who think big.

Breaking writing rules: when is it okay, if ever?

2018-06-14T21:07:32+00:00April 29th, 2014|

Breaking writing rules: is it ever okay? In 11th and 12th grade, 20 or so students from my class were able to take a computer programming class – learning Fortran and Cobol – back when programming meant typing each individual command on an individual manila punch card and then feeding a thick set of these


Find the courage to write: author Ralph Keyes provides direction and hope

2018-06-14T21:07:32+00:00April 15th, 2014|

Finding the courage to write “I worry that I’m not good enough,” says Joy Bautista Collado, although she can’t define precisely why. “I need courage.” And, even though other people encourage her to write, she doesn’t try to publish much because of her fear. “My biggest insecurity,” the writer from the Philippines confides, “is that


Over-confidence is one of deadly sins of writing: tips on managing your ego.

2019-10-14T10:31:09+00:00April 8th, 2014|

Deadly sin of over-confidence: managing your ego Now, I usually don’t brag. I really don’t. But, in this post, I’m going to do so, openly and without shame. Through my entire elementary school career, I was the spelling bee champion. Yes, I was. Without question. I didn’t just win some of the weekly spelling bees.

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How to critique writing effectively: find tips from professionals.

2018-06-14T21:07:32+00:00March 28th, 2014|

How to critique writing effectively Last week, our blog post on critiquing focused on: finding the right critique partner(s) for your writing helping you to eliminate feelings of defensiveness to get the most out of the feedback provided This week, we’re turning the topic upside down and sharing tips on how to provide quality feedback


Writing mentors: read examples of positive mentoring relationships

2018-06-14T21:07:33+00:00March 12th, 2014|

Celebrating writing mentors Recently, the head of the Cleveland Job Bank, Kelly Blazek, made the news – at first locally and then nationally and then internationally – for writing harsh responses to younger job seekers. The story has even apparently qualified as Hollywood gossip; been dubbed “BlazekGate”; risen to the level of a top trending


Break through writer’s block with these helpful writing techniques.

2018-06-14T21:07:33+00:00March 7th, 2014|

The dreaded writer’s block – and ways to smash through the barriers If you ask 100 people how to define writer’s block and/or what causes the blockage, you’ll get at least 101 answers, ranging from those who don’t believe in the phenomenon to those who have elaborate theories on the subject. When making the case

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Editing and proofreading expert K.D. Sullivan shares tips & experiences

2018-06-14T21:07:33+00:00February 21st, 2014|

The Search Guru chats with K.D. Sullivan, CEO of Untreed Reads Publishing For four years, I edited a full-color print magazine, one that was costly to produce. The tone of the publication was friendly, cheerful, upbeat and neighborly, while the audience consisted largely of conservative women in their 50s. In one issue, we were including


Finding expert sources can feel challenging, but it doesn’t have to be hard

2018-06-14T21:07:33+00:00February 7th, 2014|

Catch 22: expert sources or engagement first? At first glance, the formula for creating great content (that can be promoted on social media channels) might look simple and straightforward: Google likes and rewards websites with quality content Therefore, I will write quality content for my blog One of the best ways to create quality content
